2014년 10월 9일 목요일

[ 3W Clinic ] Cotton 100% Fresh Mask Sheet

[ 3W Clinic ] Cotton 100% Fresh Mask Sheet

This is a best korean best korean sheet-type containing lemon extracts. It is not only has cleaning and astringent effects but also soothes tired looking skin, leaving smooth and clean. This hypoallergenic mask sheet stays attached to the face along with the natural skin texture, and will provide a soothing comfort for your skin.

This is a sheet-type containing cucumber extracts. It is not only has cleaning and astringent effects but also soothes tired looking skin, leaving smooth and clean.

This is a sheet-type mask with a variety of aesthetic constituents including green tea extracts. It will improve tired looking skin, leaving it smooth and hydrated.

The soft mask sheet completely covers the skin and Syn-ake makes clear and healthy skin by managing the skin texture, which needs elastic,without stickiness and solving the concems of skin aging.

The soft mask sheet completely covers the skin and potato extracts makes clear and clean skin by supplying necessary moist on the skin without stickiness and managing the skin texture.

This is a sheet-type containing red ginseng extracts and a variety of aesthetic ingredients. It will improve your skin that lost its elasticity, leaving it smooth and vibrant.

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